How to Pick the Right Sanitary Toys for Your Token Machine

HomeBlogHow to Pick the Right Sanitary Toys for Your Token Machine

Adding a token machine to your office encourages good behavior and customer referrals while providing a fun, easy way to reward your young patients at the end of their visit. If you want to add a token machine to your medical office, you want to make sure you add the right kind of sanitary toys to your treasure tower. Here are our top tips for picking out sanitary toys for your token machine:

  • The most important thing to think about is the ages of your patients. Do you typically see younger children or older kids and teenagers? We have toy options for kids ranging in age from 3 to 17, so you have plenty of options to pick from.

How to Pick the Right Sanitary Toys for Your Token Machine

  • Think about what kind of toys your patients got most excited about in the past if you used to use a toy box rewards system. We can fill your token machine with everything from character toys and balls to rings and bracelets.
  • Remember that you can pick a variety of sanitary toys for your treasure tower. And if you want to change your toys later on, we can refill your machine with different options.

We’re excited to help you reward your patients with a token machine! Contact us today to learn more about our machines and the different sanitary toys we can fill them with.