Educational Rewards, Apex, NC

HomeEducational Rewards, Apex, NC

Our educational rewards system works well in traditional classrooms, as well as other educational places, such as dance studios and libraries.

Someone who chooses a career in education quickly realizes that sometimes children need a bit of extra motivation so they are receptive to learning. At Triangle Treasure Toys, we have the solution. Our Treasure Tower is being utilized by many educators throughout the Apex, North Carolina area to make learning more enjoyable.

Educational Rewards in Apex, North Carolina

One way to use this educational rewards is to give children points each time they exhibit a positive behavior. When they have earned a certain number of points, they receive a special token that they can use to get a prize from the tower. Each tower can hold up to eight different selections, giving them the opportunity to choose what appeals to them the most while seeing what else they could get if they earn another token. You can also choose to have more than one tower, especially if you have a large classroom or want to offer more choices. Each tower takes up only 18 square inches of floor space.

You’ll save time using our educational rewards tower system as we take care of ordering and restocking for you. You can keep the same items at each of our visits or make changes if some items aren’t very popular with the children in your classroom.

Our system works well in traditional classrooms, as well as other educational places, such as dance studios and libraries. It’s also perfect for medical facilities, dentist offices, and other locations where children frequent and keeping them on their best behavior is helpful. Reach out to us today to learn more about our educational rewards system or to get one for motivating children you deal with every day.

Educational Rewards in Holly Springs, NC

Educational Rewards Program in Apex, North Carolina

Educational Rewards Program

With our educational rewards program, you can distribute “Super Student” tokens to those students you want to reward. Educators often understand the adage, “You catch more flies with honey than...
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